Mysteries in science: an arts-based workshop

 Monday, 8 April 2024, 10:00-12:00

The Transformative Learning Hub @ WUR and the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) commissioned us, Kristina Mau Hansen, sound artist, and Dafni Petratou, painter and illustrator, to facilitate this 2nd part of a 3-part series exploring the transformative power of different forms of storytelling, creative expression and writing. In this arts-based workshop, we delved into various aspects of how scholars perceive the 'unknown' or 'mysterious'. How do we navigate the unknown and mysterious? What challenges arise in this exploration? Using creative writing, recording, and drawing tools, we transformed our thoughts into a collective artwork. 

Our fascination with this topic stems from the observation that science communication often spotlights existing knowledge and that education focuses mainly on knowledge that has already been ‘produced’. Seeing the value in exploring the mysterious, the obscure, and the enigmatic within an academic multidisciplinary context, this collective journey illuminated diverse perspectives, researchers' interests, and, importantly, was a lot of fun.